About Us
- Economic Indicators (by County)
Economic indicators are key statistics used to analyze business conditions
and make forecasts. They give us a picture of the economy in a particular
geographic region at a current point in time. The following economic indicators
include statistics for general excise tax base revenue, labor force, tourism,
building permits, and employment by industry. Statistics are provide for the
past 5 years and for the past four quarters of the year. We hope the simple
table and graph format will provide a useful, easy-to-read and use tool for
your business plan, feasibility study, or research project.
- Maui County Data Book
Best source for county business data with over 150 statistical tables
and maps. Print and diskette available.
- Starting A Business In Maui County
Includes "Focus Maui Nui," the groundbreaking project, begun in
May 2003, in which nearly 1,700 participants – representing all planning
districts and a broad range
of demographic groups – met in a participatory process to define a vision,
core values and key strategies to lead Maui County into an economically sound
- State of Small Business Survey - Hawai'i -
2001 through 2005
- Hawai'i Community Profiles
By Census Designated Place or Zip Code - Includes age, income, ethnic, employment
and educational breakdowns by census divisions and census designated places.
Great for business plans.
- Hawai'i SMALLBIZ E-news
A FREE electronic newsletter covering Local, State and National issues affecting
small business in Hawai‘i delivered to your email every month
- LandView6 Demographic
Location Profile (sample - PDF)
LandView6 is a desktop mapping system that searches and maps selected information
from the Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Census Bureau, and the
U.S. Geological Survey. The HBR Library in turn packages the results into
customized demographic profiles which include four (4) page Census 2000 profiles
and maps for the research area. Results assist clients in designing sales
territories, setting sales quotas, enhancing business opportunity presentations
to banks and venture capitalists, and generally evaluating new business opportunities.
- The Recycling/Remanufacturing in Hawai'i:
An Industry Report A report describing the current state of affairs among
Hawaii's recycling businesses in relation to past practices and national circumstances.